Monday, August 31, 2009

Tip-Toe-Ing For Unity

Iron sharpens iron is what the good book says... but we seem to either avoid the delicate (and maybe uncomfortable) process of being sharpened and remain dull or we feel so sharp already that we want to cut our opposing "iron" into two defeated pieces.
I have encountered numerous occassions in which politics and theological viewpoints become a topic that are met with the phrase, "thems are fighten words." It can be a most difficult thing to allow someone elses view of the truth affect your own because we are easily arrogant enough to think that we have it all figured out. And so, instead of going through the uncomfortable process of sharpening eachothers knowledge and understanding of the truth, we tip-toe around these topics and doctrines that need to be exposed to the light.
So (speaking to me also) let's get over ourselves please and learn to disagree well, let's see that we don't know anything, and let's learn how to find truth together with the Spirit.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed! What a great concept, hahah, to let love overpower our opinionated minds. This is why I really like the Gospel Coalition put on by Tim Keller - he calls his teachings and church a "gospel-centered" ministry and always teaches on the importance of Christ overcoming all other issues. The Coalition's goal it to get every Christian to come together and focus on the Gospel, and show unity in that, even if they disagree on smaller things. I think it's a great showing of love, and more importantly, Christ's truth.
