Friday, November 13, 2009

I got SOAKED!!!

Well, not literally soaked. We had another home group night this week (last week we prophecied over eachother) and soaked. We were just having an encounter with Jesus and journaling what happened to us.
So, I lay there praying a bit and decided that I would try an "exercise" that we learned from a lady at school. It's called "the sanctified imagination." I said I will just imagine You Lord and be open to the Spirits influence. The song we were listening to said, "... come to the well" and so I did. I imagined myself coming to a well and on the other side of the well was a big hill. I thought, 'I'll imagine Jesus coming down that hill to me now...' but the Spirit redirected me and instead I saw Jesus hand on my shoulder already. He was with me all along. I turned and saw His joyful expression as He pushed me down the well! I fell for a bit and hit some water but when I came up out of the water I wasn't in a well, I was in a great big lake. I felt intense joy at that moment and began to laugh (in my physical body). I felt the Spirit say that this was the lake of joy inside of me, I thought it was as small as the well but it's much bigger. I noticed Jesus on the shore laughing too so I went to Him. My intention was to gt out of the lake and be "buddy buddy" with Jesus but the Spirit showed me my true posture. I was bowed reverently at His feet and just like on the mount of transfiguration Jesus touched me and said, "It's Me." I stood and saw His joy for me and He said, "Come, I want to show you The Father." So, I acctually stepped into Jesus' body like the matrix and I then found myself in the throne room. I saw my Father and Jesus standing at His side saying come on. I walked to Him as far as I could but then stopped.. He looked compassionate and loving. I said, "I am afraid to come closer." I wanted to. (this was a very real and open moment for me because I have been dealing with heart issues that keep me closed off from people and even worse, from my Father) He knelt beside His throne and despelled the lie I believed about Him by telling me that He isn't mad at me for being afraid and He loves me always. I almost decided to go back to the lake to be filled with the feeling of joy because I perceived that God was allowing me to go. But, I decided to stay and be in the throne room as close as possible. (the end)
That was a fun time. It is progress because I couldn't really picture my Father not to long ago and now I am in the throne room!
Another fun thing this week is that I received a prophetic drawing (the church is passionate about taking the Kingdom into all facets of society including art, science, media, music, business, government and etc.). The drawing was of a man standing around bayes of hale and that man was me. It symbolized that I was to come in as the harvest was being reaped (the harvest of souls) and that I would go find all the scrapes and unwanted materials that fell to the wayside (The people that are left and broken and scattered around. The ones who are difficult to reach) and I would bundle them up. It was also about joy. This task would be wearisome and a burden to most people but that it would be full of joy for me.
I thought that was a spot on word for me... what do you think?


  1. Amazing brother. Thanks for sharing your experience with that exercise. I really want to start getting into deep meditation where I focus on the Lord, and as you wrote, the Spirit's influence.

    Amazing stuff man, I always enjoy reading about people's visualizations of the Lord and how they encountered Him whether it be in dreams or via meditation and prayer. I'm glad to see the Lord is doing epic things with you and his children in California.


  2. That's so great! I read this quite awhile ago and neglected to comment - my bad. When I read this sort of stuff I think of our night in Guatemala talking about our inability to open up and really allow God in. I definitely feel you in those respects, and it's so amazing to hear about this progression. Stick with it my friend, I'm really overjoyed to hear the kind of work being done over in California!


    All the best in 2010!

    Love you!
